Sunday, December 27, 2009

Finally out after two days

It has finally quit snowing so the goats decided it was time to adventure out.  After clearing some paths the ducks decided to come out as well.  If it's still nice after the Chiefs football game this afternoon, we are going to take them for a walk in the woods.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Goats and snow

Yesterday the goats stuck their heads out the door and decided they wanted nothing to do with the snow.  Even the ducks wouldn't come out.  Today the sun was shining and the winds light so we decided to take them out to catch a few bites of greenery left in the woods.  The goats love to walk in the woods with us and it was usually a daily ritual to take them.  Now with the weather turning colder, I will miss our walks in the woods.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Making butter

Today I decided to make butter from a quart of heavy whipping cream.  Not only did I get almost a pound of butter but a little over 2 cups of buttermilk as well.  All you have to do is pour the heavy whipping cream in a bowl.  Since my bowl was small it took me three times longer.  So use a bigger bowl and make it all at once.  Then with a hand mixer and the wire whip attachment, whip until you start to see some liquid.  Push the almost butter to the side and strain into a cup.  I used my measuring cup.  Then whip some more until it holds together.  Using a spatula I squished as much of the liquid out as I could and strained it again.  Put the butter and buttermilk in containers and frigerate. That's all there is to it.  Can't wait to use the butter on the rosemary rolls I have raising to go with tonight's dinner!

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Homemade sour cream

Yesterday I started my first attempt at making homemade sour cream.  I found many recipes on the internet and decided to use the overnight method.  Use a quart canning jar or something similar and rinse with hot water.  Then add 2 cups of half and half and 3 tablespoons of buttermilk.  Place lid on and shake ingredients together.  Leave out on the counter over night until desired thickness is achieved.   Stir before serving.  Will keep about 3 weeks in refrigerator.  This really tastes like what you buy from the store but less expensive and you can make it the day before you want to use it.  How simple is that!  After tasting this I won't be buying sour cream from the store anymore.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Perfect day to read a book

The sky is cloudy and it looks like rain.  It's chilly, in the 40's, when I go to milk Bonnie and feed the other 2 goats.  Evan takes care of feeding the ducks and getting them all fresh water.  The perfect morning to have Evan make a small fire to take the chill off.  I then decide to settle on the couch by the fire to read.  A week ago I checked out from the library "29 Gifts" by Cami Walker.  Earlier this month on the Today show, there was a story about her and this book.  I read it non-stop along with a box of tissues.  This is a very inspiring story written by a women with MS.  There is also a website to check out  I highly recommend this book!

Monday, November 2, 2009

The rest has finally fallen

The dead tree that has stood on our west border has finally fallen.  Last Thursday the winds were gusting over 25 mph and took its toll on the tree.  We were so thankful it missed our power line.  Now to get it cut up and added to our woodpile for heating the home this winter.  Last year we found a very reasonable place about 3 miles from us that sells a cord of mixed wood for $110, you pick-up.  Hopefully we'll save some on our heating cost unless it's a harsh winter.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

You have to make these!

I love the Pioneer Woman's site for all the detailed recipes.  I saw this recipe last week and decided to make them Saturday while doing some more loping.  WOW these rolls are great!  Here is the link so you can bake these too.  I let mine raise too long but they still turned out delicious.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Reclaiming the woods...bye, bye, honeysuckle bushes!

With the nice weather we have been having I decided to start cutting the honeysuckle bushes down by the tree house. I was amazed how much I could clear in a few hours. It gave me a lot of motivation to keep going. The goats love to come and eat what I have cut down. Next week the weather is supposed to be nice again so I'll be taking the goats with me and clear some more.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Garden Of Weedin...not any more

I decided it was time to weed the garden. It was so overgrown around the fence line with grass and weeds. The interior was in much need of a little help as well. Since the garden is fenced in from the goats and ducks it didn't take very long to get the corn stalks pulled out, some potatoes harvested, and Evan came to pick all the tomatoes. When I started to dig up all the grass along the fence line along came the ducks to pluck the worms. I enjoyed watching them get the worms, grubs, and any other bug they could find. It did take longer to weed but it was well worth it.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Just another day

Cooler mornings, the smell of coffee brewing, Bonnie baahing for her morning grain...what a nice way to start the day. Evan loves to let me sleep, I am such a lucky woman! He lets the ducks and goats out, has coffee ready for me and eager to cook some kind of breakfast. God is so good and I am very thankful.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

So much to do and nothing getting done

Thank you Britani for getting me started on my own blog. I should be getting things done like unloading the 1000 pounds of feed in the Excursion to the tainer, working on the shed/fence, or making some pesto before the basil quits growing. But here I am creating my very first blog. Isn't the Internet a wonderful tool!