Monday, September 14, 2009

Garden Of Weedin...not any more

I decided it was time to weed the garden. It was so overgrown around the fence line with grass and weeds. The interior was in much need of a little help as well. Since the garden is fenced in from the goats and ducks it didn't take very long to get the corn stalks pulled out, some potatoes harvested, and Evan came to pick all the tomatoes. When I started to dig up all the grass along the fence line along came the ducks to pluck the worms. I enjoyed watching them get the worms, grubs, and any other bug they could find. It did take longer to weed but it was well worth it.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Just another day

Cooler mornings, the smell of coffee brewing, Bonnie baahing for her morning grain...what a nice way to start the day. Evan loves to let me sleep, I am such a lucky woman! He lets the ducks and goats out, has coffee ready for me and eager to cook some kind of breakfast. God is so good and I am very thankful.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

So much to do and nothing getting done

Thank you Britani for getting me started on my own blog. I should be getting things done like unloading the 1000 pounds of feed in the Excursion to the tainer, working on the shed/fence, or making some pesto before the basil quits growing. But here I am creating my very first blog. Isn't the Internet a wonderful tool!